General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS)
Neighborhood Emergency Communications
Communication between neighbors and first responders is critical during an emergency, but telephone and cellular infrastructure in our region can be unreliable. Preparing for phone outages should be part of your emergency plan.
GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) radios can be utilized as a reliable form of communication during outages. Sonoma Public Infrastructure (formerly TPW) and a group called Neighborhood Auxiliary Communication Service (NACS) are developing and standardizing the wide scale use of GMRS radios in this county. Fire agencies are embracing the use of GMRS to reach neighborhoods in their districts.
This all starts with neighbors coming together to form localized GMRS radio groups. We all have experienced natural disasters over the last ten years, and know that neighborhood ties are important, especially when help is delayed. Using GMRS radios is the easiest way to check on your neighbors and share information during a disaster. A small amount of knowledge, practice, and inexpensive equipment is all that's needed to get started. More information can be found at the North Bay Communication Cooperative website.