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Community Chipping Days

Fuels crew with chipper

Community Chipping Days are an organized event to leverage the work of residents, property owners, and the Fuels Crew to promote and increase vegetation management. The partnership requires a community leader to compile sign-ups. The Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District will develop a schedule from the sign-ups with the goal to provide 2 hours of chipping for each property or resident that is signed up. 

​Other options include the Fuels Crew working with residents to cut vegetation, and defensible space inspections or consultation prior to chipping day.

Mill Creek COPE News. February 1, 2021. Winter Chipper Days Completed! With the help of Cal Fire and the Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District we completed our January Chipper Days here in the Mill Creek Community. 18 residents signed up to participate. In the two days designated for chipping (Jan 23, 30) crews were able to complete 17 of the jobs. We are very grateful to Marshall Turbeville for helping to coordinate this event with our COPE organization and supply this important service without cost to our community! We will look to schedule some additional chipper days in the future and will share the details when appropriate. If you care to support this work and all the fine efforts of our local fire departments, consider a donation to Wine Country to the Rescue
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